David Capra's work is influenced by craft practices. Often his work investigates the supernatural, realms of the ecstatic and signs and wonders. The making process has more authority to David than the desire to make an object. He is more concerned with the in-between state and the notion of creating a transcendental experience for those that behold his work. Using revisited motifs of the artist's, Drinking It In is fashioned after the wheel within a wheel structure described by Old Testament prophet Ezekiel and investigates phonetic expressions of 'speaking in tongues'.
paper, graphite, felt-tip, straws
33 x 30 x 17 cm
Judges of the 2010 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: John Kaldor AM (Principal of Kaldor Public Art Projects), Glenn Barkley (Curator at Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney) and Monica McMahon (Curator at University of Western Sydney).
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