This work is named after an algebraic equation (x2/3 + y2/3 = L2/3) that gave rise to string art in the 1960s and 70s. In this I reference optical art and, in a broader sense, as a means to address different perceptual modalities. It is inspired by a playful referencing of formal architectonic structure, as it is in its use of colour systems in space. Premised on the translation of equations into geometric patterns and abstract forms, it combines aspects of mysticism, theories of sun gazing, altered states, and ideas that pertain to the expanded field of painting.
Courtesy of Breenspace Gallery
wood, wool, steel
50 x 50 x 50 cm
Judges of the 2010 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: John Kaldor AM (Principal of Kaldor Public Art Projects), Glenn Barkley (Curator at Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney) and Monica McMahon (Curator at University of Western Sydney).
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