Kieta Jackson's textile sculptures demonstrate two things: wonderful elegant containing forms and a sense of antiquity in another world or time. She works with wire and sheet metal building vessels and forms from crochet and woven fabric.
"The process starts with a fine gauge wire which is then woven on a loom by hand creating a malleable fabric which is manipulated into the sculptural identity. I am always thriving to create harmonious relationship with material and forms so the sculptures resonate found artefacts, archaeological remains and elements from the sea."
Whilst her pieces adopt shapes borrowed from unearthed objects, she also distresses and adds patinas to the surfaces of the metal, often leaving warped threads hanging loosely conveying deterioration and corrosion. We are left believing that her sensitive forms are ancient artefacts one would view in a museum, or have been long forgotten.
woven copper
35 x 35 x 7 cm
Highly Commended; Finalist
Judges of the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Professor Ross Harley (Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design and UNSW Chair of Arts and Culture), Louise Herron AM (Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Opera House) and Tim Ross (Design and Architecture advocate, Broadcaster, Author and Comedian).
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