Marcel Duchamp was a ground breaking artist, a creative maverick who challenged theoretical precepts in his conceptual art works. Duchamp's artwork 3 stoppages étalon was created in 1913, as a parody of the metre. In the work, Duchamp subjected a 1 metre length of string to the influences of chance, gravity and whimsy, culminating in 3 wooden profiles offered as legitimate alternatives for the base unit of international length.
HBs is a reference to 3 stoppages étalon. HBs is a set of three prototype pencils that reinterpret the function and form of the pencil. The traditional pencil's linear form is ideal for mark making on two dimensions. However, the pencil has limited utility when working within space. I've applied the principal of 'form follows function' to create a set of three sculptor's pencils for drawing within three dimensions.
Courtesy of Mossenson Galleries
wood, graphite, steel, paint
40 x 50 x 50 cm
Judges of the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Professor Ross Harley (Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design and UNSW Chair of Arts and Culture), Louise Herron AM (Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Opera House) and Tim Ross (Design and Architecture advocate, Broadcaster, Author and Comedian).
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