Inside-out is about accepting and expressing my feelings and emotions. This work is the process of letting the ugly truth about beauty to come out and become one another. Emotions also enable me to embrace life with honesty. While accepting I’m also learning that these motions are constantly shaping my personality. Feelings enliven me, giving colour and texture to my experiences.
My work is revealed as a mode of acting and reacting to my experiences. I never knew exactly what I’m aiming to communicate through my work, but when the work is completed there is a refreshing and beautiful honesty feeling. I see myself in it, otherwise it has no value.
concrete, textiles
14 x 10 x 5.5 cm
Judges of the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Professor Ross Harley (Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design and UNSW Chair of Arts and Culture), Louise Herron AM (Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Opera House) and Tim Ross (Design and Architecture advocate, Broadcaster, Author and Comedian).
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