In this work she unfolds, Mandy Quadrio expresses herself as a palawa, Tasmanian Aboriginal woman. She employs the natural materials of Tasmanian bull kelp, ochres and river reeds that continue to be used in her long and enduring culture.
This vulval-like piece speaks to gendered Aboriginal histories. These histories include issues of vulnerability and violations against Aboriginal women. While this work is based in the history of the unwanted, the uninvited and the undesired, it is also a sensuous celebration of female sexuality.
Quadrio describes how she hopes her works are contributing to the embracing and acceptance of Indigenous women's lived experiences.
bull kelp, ochre, river reed
32 x 22 x 10 cm
Judges of the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Professor Ross Harley (Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design and UNSW Chair of Arts and Culture), Louise Herron AM (Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Opera House) and Tim Ross (Design and Architecture advocate, Broadcaster, Author and Comedian).
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