Untitled is a wink to The Handmaid's Tale costume designer Ane Crabtree who brought Gilead's dystopian dress to life. Crabtree admitted that her creative process was particularly emotional and charged because the show's filming schedule aligned with the results of the 2016 US presidential election.
"By November, when the world changed in our own personal Gilead on this side of the pond, we were well into the story, and every day the script was mirroring what was happening in the States," says Crabtree. "I did an inverted female vagina in the design of the Aunt's collars. If you look subtly, you'll see that. It's sort of my way of saying, 'Fuck you'. I have to design this in a way to oppress women, but I can give them their own pleasure—whether it's metaphorical or real, physically. I had to oppress women, but I wanted to free them mentally, through design."
Hahnemühle paper
19 x 28 x 28 cm
Lisa Giles, in conversation with Professor Ian Howard, discusses her work Untitled. Recorded on 12 October 2019 at the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize exhibition, Woollahra Council.
Judges of the 2019 Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Professor Ross Harley (Dean of the Faculty of Art & Design and UNSW Chair of Arts and Culture), Louise Herron AM (Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Opera House) and Tim Ross (Design and Architecture advocate, Broadcaster, Author and Comedian).
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