We always go looking for goanna and bush foods together, this makes us feel really happy. Sometimes a woman might get a moustache, but that doesn't matter. We are all family. I always used to wear pretty clothes like this when I was a young girl. I don't have photos of me so I do sewing instead. I feel proud when I see my work, it makes me happy and it's good if it makes other people happy too or maybe they might think about some things about how Aboriginal people are really good at doing things. Like hunting and knowing culture, and making art and looking after each other and not laughing when someone is looking different and always sharing everything.
Courtesy of Yarrenyty Arltere Artists
bush dyed woollen blanket embellished with wool and cotton
80 x 40 x 17 cm
WSSP Winner; Finalist
Judges of the 20th Anniversary Woollahra Small Sculpture Prize: Dr Lara Strongman (Director Curatorial and Digital, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia), Joanna Capon OAM (Art Historian, Curator and Industrial Archaeologist) and Jenny Kee AO (Artist and Fashion Designer).
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